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sea-level analysis

См. также в других словарях:

  • Sea level riseis an increase in sea level. Multiple complex factors may influence this change. Sea level has risen about 130 meters (400 ft) since the peak of the last ice age about 18,000 years ago. Most of the rise occurred before 6,000 years ago. From 3,000 …   Wikipedia

  • sea-level pressureThe atmospheric pressure that exists at sea level. It is used as a common reference for analysis of surface pressure patterns. It can be measured by stations located at sea level or determined from charts showing the station pressure and… …   Aviation dictionary

  • Current sea level riseThis article is about the current and future rise in sea level associated with global warming. For sea level changes in Earth s history, see Sea level#Changes through geologic time. Sea level measurements from 23 long tide gauge records in… …   Wikipedia

  • Permanent Service for Mean Sea LevelThe Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level ( [http://www.pol.ac.uk/psmsl/ PSMSL] ), established in 1933, is a repository for tide gauge data used in the measurement of long term sea level change. The PSMSL is based at the Proudman Oceanographic… …   Wikipedia

  • Sea iceis largely formed from seawater that freezes. Because the oceans consist of saltwater, this occurs below the freezing point of pure water, at about 1.8 °C (28.8 °F). Sea ice may be contrasted with icebergs, which are chunks of ice shelves or… …   Wikipedia

  • Sea surface temperatureWeekly average sea surface temperature for the World Ocean during the first week of February 2011, during a period of La Niña …   Wikipedia

  • levelSynonyms and related words: IC analysis, accommodate, accordant, address, adjust, aim, akin, alabaster, align, aligned, alike, alkali flat, alluvial plain, altitude, amount, appositive, arrowlike, assimilate to, at full length, at par, attribute …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Sea of Azovat Novaya Yalta, Donetsk Oblast …   Wikipedia

  • Sea turtleSea turtles An olive ridley sea turtle Scientific classification Kingdom …   Wikipedia

  • analysis — /euh nal euh sis/, n., pl. analyses / seez /. 1. the separating of any material or abstract entity into its constituent elements (opposed to synthesis). 2. this process as a method of studying the nature of something or of determining its… …   Universalium

  • Sea PeoplesThe Sea Peoples is the term used for a confederacy of seafaring raiders of the second millennium BC who sailed into the eastern shores of the Mediterranean, caused political unrest, and attempted to enter or control Egyptian territory during the… …   Wikipedia

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